It is possible to transportation to Canakkale the fast ferry which operates from Yenikapi to Bandırma. The Ferry's schedule is as below.For latest schedules, please visit this web address (
When you come to Bandirma, it depends on the time can find lots of buses which operate Bandirma to Canakkale.
The Bus Companies which are operated from Bandirma to Canakkale:
Kamil Koc (
Truva Turizm (
Metro Turizm (
Bus companies' schedule is as follow:
There are frequent busses from Bandirma to Canakkale. For latest schedules, please visit the web address of the bus company.
Kamil Koc | 14.00 | 15.00 | 15.45 | 18.00 | 19.30 | 20.15 | 22.00 | 22.30 |
Truva | 21.00 | |||||||
Metro | 16.30 |
The Bus Ticket Price- Bandirma to Canakkale:
Bnadirma - Canakkale bus ticket prices can change periodically. The bus ticket price is around 25 - 30 TL per person.All the bus companies have free water, tea and coffee service during the travel. Some of type busses have free wireless internet connection.
Please visit relevant the web addresses of the bus companies to find details of prices and services.
Bandirma to Canakkale duration of transportation:
It takes around 2 hours 30 minutes by bus from Bandirma to Canakkale City Center. Bandirma is 166 kms away from Canakkale. Please click for the Detailed Map.
You can reach through D200 - E90 and Biga - Lapseki from Bandırma to Canakkale City Center.Please click for the Detailed Map.
When you reach Canakkale, drive along the signs to Ferry Jetty. You will see Anzac Hotel adjacent to the historical clock tower. If you are coming from Istanbul by car, after exiting the ferry jetty, take the first right to the Historical Clock Tower and Anzac Hotel will appear in front of you. However the road is a one way road and Anzac Hotel is located on the opposite direction of the road, therefore carry on driving till to the end of the road, then make a U turn and drive down to opposite direction, when you reach to the historical clock tower again, you can park in front of Anzac in order to take off the luggages. We have 2 private car parks. Our Staff are Professional drivers, they can take your car to one of our car parks.